Thursday, August 6, 2015

School Critters Ready2Go

This cute blog design includes the following:

  • Google Font for Post Title and Sidebar Titles
  • 1000 pixel wide layout
  • Header Customization (blog title) and Optional Tag Line
  • Footer Customization
  • Matching Background as shown
  • Post title image
  • Divider bar image
  • 1 Profile avatar (see samples below)
  • Matching signature
  • Installation, testing & 4 weeks customer service

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Formatted Paragraph

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet wypas (bold or strong) pie pastry macaroon wafer jelly-o ice cream. Bear claw toffee ice cream candy canes tootsie roll chupa chups biscuit jelly-o. Sweet sesame snaps (italic) cupcake cupcake tart sugar plum cupcake tart. Cookie chocolate (underline) bar cookie icing jelly beans. Lemon drops (Strikethrough) jelly jujubes cupcake marshmallow pastry danish wafer cheesecake. Danish bear claw icing bear claw candy canes pie caramels oat cake croissant. CHOCOLATE CAKE (Uppercase) pudding biscuit caramels caramels cake. Candy canes faworki powder sweet. Donut lollipop tootsie roll chocolate bar.

Horizontal Rule:

Brownie donut marshmallow dragée candy wypas danish muffin. Dragée cheesecake cake cookie powder brownie bear claw. Applicake sweet croissant. Dessert wafer halvah cotton candy gummi bears.

 Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet wypas pie pastry macaroon wafer jelly-o ice cream. Bear claw toffee ice cream candy canes tootsie roll chupa chups biscuit jelly-o. Sweet sesame snaps cupcake cupcake tart sugar plum cupcake tart. Cookie chocolate bar cookie icing jelly beans. Lemon drops jelly jujubes cupcake marshmallow pastry danish wafer cheesecake. Danish bear claw icing bear claw candy canes pie caramels oat cake croissant. Chocolate cake pudding biscuit caramels caramels cake. Candy canes faworki powder sweet. Donut lollipop tootsie roll chocolate bar.

Bonbon bear claw macaroon ice cream candy. Pudding carrot cake chocolate cake bear claw wypas carrot cake. Faworki sesame snaps tootsie roll bonbon icing dessert cotton candy croissant. Donut faworki powder jelly-o chupa chups jujubes sugar plum halvah candy. Sugar plum jelly beans muffin bear claw soufflé. Caramels cake carrot cake marzipan sweet marzipan jelly-o bear claw chupa chups.

Oat cake gummi bears caramels. Apple pie tart gingerbread bear claw chupa chups icing halvah. Marzipan cotton candy gummi bears wypas dessert. Cheesecake cookie sweet cupcake caramels tootsie roll marzipan. Croissant cookie sweet roll jelly beans brownie fruitcake soufflé icing gummies. Chocolate bonbon tootsie roll cupcake apple pie pastry marzipan sweet. Cookie lollipop toffee danish dragée muffin danish apple pie. Pastry oat cake ice cream bear claw cupcake pudding gummies. Cheesecake brownie marzipan chupa chups tootsie roll fruitcake bear claw cake candy. Biscuit biscuit jelly-o bonbon gummies.